Aleksander Knavs
Takım:Kariyer Sonu
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    hakkında şöyle ilginç bir bilgi var wikipedia'da.

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    in may 2010 it appeared that knavs has been missing since 2008 when his contract with salzburg ended. former kaiserslautern-teammates and friends nenad bjelica and markus anfang stated that they have not heard from him in a long time - anfang had planned a meeting with him in frankfurt in 2008 which he did not attended, bjelica reportedly phoned him on daily basis for years, but one day knavs just stopped picking up the phone. it is speculated that he has joined a sect in portugal which is partly under the influence of the family of his former kaiserslautern-teammate and "busenfreund", josé dominguez. knavs left his ex-wife daniela two estates, the rest of his money has disappeared along with him.

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