alıntı ---
i can speak about morutan, because he played for my local team for many years. he is extremely talented, but he's quite a shy person. when he has a bad game, he needs support, not criticism. he will have bad games, but he will bounce back quickly if left alone. he doesn't speak any foreign languages unfortunately, so he'll have to learn turkish and/or english quickly. this is because he left his home and parents at 15 or 16 to play football in a different town. you how it is with kids, with no mom and dad to push them, they usually won't learn much in school. especially if they are a pro football player.
i've seen him around town plenty of times. never saw him drink alcohol during the week or party late. i haven't heard anything bad about him as a person. nothing special i mean, because nobody is a saint.
he wasn't very good at defending, but that was because he was by far the most talented player on the squad, so nobody wanted him to get tired by doing too much pressing. but he was also very young.
i think he will do a much better job at defending as time goes on, while playing at galata. that is because all the players around him are also top quality, so he will feel it is his responsibility to do everything they do.
don't expect him to be hagi, because he is nothing like the king personality-wise. hagi still is a man who cannot sleep if he loses a game (he's coach/manager/owner of his own team now, he even won a league title). he's like ianis, hagi's son, or like almost all young players these days. they aren't "hungry". you have to know that hagi, like everyone else during communist times, was brought up in almost extreme poverty. these kids haven't known actual poverty, their parents never worried that they couldn't feed them. even the poorest people today don't actually worry about things everyone was worried about during communism.
alıntı ---
morutan'ın oynadığı yerel bir ekibin taraftarının değerlendirmesi bu şekilde. özetle çok yetenekli, ama utangaç biri olduğunu; kötü bir maç geçirdiğinde eleştiri yerine desteğe ihtiyacı olduğunu; yabancı dil bilmiyor olmasının bir dezavantaj olduğunu; şehirde kendisini çok kez görmesine rağmen hafta içinde alkol tükettiğini ya da partilediğini görmediğini; defansif anlamda çok iyi olmadığını; çünkü takımdaki en yetenekli isim olduğu için o dönem çok pres yapıp da yorulmasını kimsenin istemediğini; ancak galatasaray'dayken çevresinde kaliteli ayaklar olacağından ve onların yaptıklarını gördükçe kendisinin de bu sorumluluğu hissedeceğini ve zaman geçtikçe defansif açıdan daha iyi iş çıkaracağına inandığını; hagi gibi olmasının beklenmemesini ve onun gibi lider karakterli olmadığını; hagi'nin kaybettiğinde bile uyku uyuyamayacak bir karakteri varken genç oyuncuların komünizm dönemini yaşamadığını ve "aç" olmadığını belirtmiş.
edit: açtan kastı başarıya açlık ve hırs olarak yorumlamak daha uygun olur.
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